Shamora or Azure Bay

The most popular beach in Vladivostok
The most famous and popular especially for guests resting place in Vladivostok - a beach Shamora or Emar. The official name of this place - Azure Bay.

Bay Shamora or Azure is located in the Ussuri Bay of the Sea of ​​Japan in the Primorsky Territory. It is situated in the vicinity of Vladivostok (25 km from the city).

Blue River divides the Bay into two parts. The average depth of the coast from 4 to 7 m, total length-3 km. Northern entrance Bay Cape - Cape Steep, at a distance of 1.8 km away is located the southern Cape - Cape Green. Both Cape steep and rocky with numerous forest vegetation. The coast of the bay is sandy, shallow. Near the shore stretches a picturesque lowlands, covered with lush grass and shrubs.

The seagull in a bay AzureBeach, the largest and most pure in Vladivostok, separated from the road, cleaned, constructed water attractions, entertainment centers, summer houses, cafes and bars. Also vacationers organized campgrounds.

Rented rented boats, motor boats, jet skis. On the coast, discos outdoor music festivals held in the disco-bar.
A bay Azure recently began to develop as a center of winter recreation. Steep slopes attract skiers and snowboarding, the presence of snow provide special snow cannons.

Cliffs Bay Shamora

Azure Bay Beach

Azure Bay Beach

Azure Bay Beach

Azure Bay Beach

Azure Bay Beach

Autumn on Shamora

Summer on Shamora

Summer on Shamora

Summer on Shamora

Summer on Shamora

The sea in the bay Azure